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Drills and Block Starts Workout

Drills and Block Starts Workout by Steve McGill This time of year, as we’re bringing more speed into the equation but still seeking to master hurdle drills, I like to do workouts with my hurdlers that combine drills with speed-specific work. With indoor meets starting up, some block work becomes essential, but, in my opinion,...
Knee Up Heel Up

Knee Up Heel Up by Steve McGill The first lesson I was taught when I first started hurdling was to “lead with the knee” of the lead leg. The logic was, and is, simple: If you’re leading with your knee, you have control and can drive forward. If you’re leading with your foot, you have...
And Off They Go to College

And Off They Go to College by Steve McGill One of the most difficult yet most rewarding things about coaching athletes at the high school level, like I do for the most part, is watching many of them develop into athletes who are prepared to compete at the collegiate level. It doesn’t matter if they...
What Hurdlers Can Learn from Stephen Curry

What Hurdlers Can Learn from Stephen Curry by Steve McGill In each issue of The Hurdle Magazine, I try to include one article that’s a little outside the box of track and field discussion, as many of my personal influences in regards to how I coach have come from outside the realm of track and...
BOA Aerosol Spray: An Innovative Solution for Athletes Who Sweat Heavily

BOA Aerosol Spray: An Innovative Solution for Athletes Who Sweat Heavily by Melinda Burris Athletes have long looked for ways to efficiently replenish the fluids and electrolytes lost due to heavy sweating during competition or intense workouts. In early December 2021, the subject had a name and face put to it by way of Paolo...
The Benefits of Functional Training for Athletes

The Benefits of Functional Training for Athletes by Melinda Burris A well-rounded training program consists of more than simply doing traditional weight training-based exercises to build strength. While strength is certainly essential for the development of the power and endurance hurdlers and sprinters need on the track, other types of training, specifically functional training are...