BOA Aerosol Spray: An Innovative Solution for Athletes Who Sweat Heavily
by Melinda Burris

Athletes have long looked for ways to efficiently replenish the fluids and electrolytes lost due to heavy sweating during competition or intense workouts. In early December 2021, the subject had a name and face put to it by way of Paolo Banchero, a freshman on Duke University’s men’s basketball team who has been hailed as a standout player.

Banchero has made headlines for more than his shooting average or defensive skills on the court, however. During a game broadcast on December 1st, Holly Rowe of ESPN reported that Banchero has a condition that causes him to sweat excessively, so much so that he can lose as much as seven pounds each time he plays the game. As a precaution, Banchero is required to take a sweat test. To replenish the fluid and other electrolytes he loses during play and to avoid muscle cramps, he consumes a special new sports product known as BOA Oxygenated Fluid.1

This article will delve into the new range of BOA products, examine how they are revolutionizing electrolyte replacement among high endurance athletes and why it is important for athletes to stay hydrated and mindful of replacing essential elements and minerals while avoiding excessive sugar intake.

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BOA Endure and Aerosol Blast

BOA offers two electrolyte replacement products:

  1. The company’s original offering is known as BOA ENDURE and is available in a 2 oz. or 4 oz. canister in Berry Fusion Blast flavor. The company claims that the smallest size—the 2 oz.—contains 25 servings, which provides a total of 3,750 mg of sodium per canister. To put that into perspective, the company claims a person would have to consume in excess of 23, 12 oz. bottles of an isotonic sports drink to consume that much sodium. BOA also claims athletes can rehydrate as much as 10 times faster using their product, helping athletes ward off fatigue.2
  2. The BOA Aerosol Blast is acclaimed by some as a game-changer because it comes in the form of an aerosol spray, a delivery mechanism that bypasses the digestive system where much of the electrolytes provided in traditional sports drinks are lost during the gastrointestinal absorption process. The BOA Aerosol Blast is made up of electrolytes in suspension with oxygen molecules.2 Jeffrey Bytomoski, Head Medical Team Physician, Duke University, and Dr. Ben Ferry wrote a white paper on the BOA Aerosol product in which they conclude “…the use of oxygen as a vector for delivery of these electrolytes carries its own benefit as well. Inhalation of hyperoxic air has been shown to enhance reaction time and cognitive processing. This can help to counteract the performance decrement that has been shown to occur with even mild dehydration.”3

Because the product is delivered via transmucosal absorption, many users have found they do not experience side effects such as bloating, upset stomach, and excessive urinary output, problems often associated with the consumption of sports drinks.2

The Advantages of BOA Over Sports Drinks

Dehydration and electrolyte loss begins the moment a person begins to actively sweat, losing sodium and other essential minerals rapidly in the process. Scientific research has shown that on average, athletes can lose as much as three liters of fluid for every hour of competition or intense training. While sports drinks have long been the standard, they most often prove inadequate at restoring the electrolytes lost so the athlete can maintain his or her previous level of performance. This is because, as mentioned earlier, so much of what humans take in orally is lost in the gastrointestinal absorption process. Another drawback to sports drinks is the uncomfortable side effects they frequently cause, which can actually inhibit performance rather than restoring it.3

In contrast, Dr. Bytomoski and Dr. Ferry note, “Medications delivered via transmucosal absorption have significantly higher bioavailability and shorter time to maximum plasma concentration. Medications are absorbed 3-10 times faster compared to oral ingestion and reach maximum levels in minutes compared to hours – a vital difference for an athlete actively exerting him/herself.”3 Since BOA Aerosol Blast relies on transmucosal absorption, it stands to reason it would deliver hydration and restoration of lost electrolytes at a faster rate, giving athletes the competitive edge they so often need to get the win.

Replacing Electrolytes and Essential Minerals

While drinking water is frequently enough to rehydrate after the average workout since the body will gradually restore its electrolyte balance on its own, those engaged in hard workouts and athletes in competition need more. Sweat consists of a mixture of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and chloride. The body needs these essential elements and minerals to maintain good health.

Magnesium, for example, is an essential mineral that is vital for proper skeletal muscle contraction. Your body uses more magnesium as your activity level increases. It is important to continually replenish your magnesium stores during strenuous exercise to sustain your strength.3

Say Goodbye to Sugar!

The BOA Aerosol Blast could prove a welcome innovation for athletes and sports enthusiasts alike for yet another reason—the desire to avoid the excessive amounts of sugar found in most commercial sports drinks. I reached out to BOA to inquire about the amount of sugar in their products and was told they are sugar-free.

In comparison, the average 32 oz. sports drink contains a whopping 65-76 grams of sugar. So, while these drinks do contain less sugar than soda, it’s not by much. According to Dr. Vanessa Curtis of the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital, “[Sports drinks] do have less sugar than soda, but it’s still a significant amount.”4 Curtis goes on to stipulate that sports drinks generally have approximately “two-thirds as much sugar as soda.”4 So, while you may reach for a traditional sports drink thinking you are making a healthy choice, odds are you really aren’t.


Remember, to stay hydrated before, during, and after competition or workout sessions. Your body will thank you for it!



  1. Bengel, C. (1 December 2021). Duke’s Paolo Banchero Reportedly Loses Seven Pounds Per Game Due to ‘Heavy Sweating.’
  2. com (2021). How It Works.
  3. Bytomski, J. and Ferry, B. BOA Aerosol Blast.
    4. University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital. (2021). Sugar in Sports Drinks.


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