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If you missed last month’s issue, check it out HERE!
Letter from the Editor, June 2020

Letter from the Editor, June 2020 Hello Subscribers, and welcome to the June 2020 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. As we continue to navigate training through the coronavirus and all the restrictions it has caused, this issue, like the previous two, is centered around that theme. Freelance writer Savannah Cress, in her article, "Will the...
Vitamin D Deficiency & Supplementation Trend in Response to COVID-19

Vitamin D Deficiency & Supplementation Trend in Response to COVID-19 by Melinda Burris Willms Why Fears of Low Vitamin D Levels Have Spiked in the Wake of COVID-19 Several research studies have been conducted recently and it has been widely reported that a link has been observed between individuals who have vitamin D deficiency and...
Tips for Heading Back to the Gym: How to Safely Resume Your Workout Now That COVID-19 Restrictions are Being Lifted

Tips for Heading Back to the Gym: How to Safely Resume Your Workout Now That COVID-19 Restrictions are Being Lifted by Melinda Burris Willms As everyone begins to warily venture out and begin to try to reengage in their old routines, albeit differently, as we all struggle to adapt to the new normal that...
Will the 2021 Olympics Happen?

Will the 2021 Olympics Happen? by Savannah Cress I don’t know about you, and I’m not sure how I feel about it, but some of these changes that seemed so weird at the onset of COVID-19 are almost starting to feel “normal.” I’m kind of getting used to the big outing of the week consisting...
We Cycle the Arms Like We Cycle the Legs

We Cycle the Arms Like We Cycle the Legs by Steve McGill In last month’s issue, I was talking about my desire to move forward with the cycle-arms style that I created over a decade ago, but have yet to be able to implement with any of my hurdlers due to a variety of factors....
Hurdle Drilling & Conditioning Workout

Hurdle Drilling & Conditioning Workout by Steve McGill These days, with so many things being unpredictable in regards to what the 2021 season will look like, probably the most important thing an athlete can do is stay in shape. That way, once there is some clarity regarding how many meets there will be and what...
Is Renaldo Nehemiah the Greatest 110 Hurdler Ever?

Is Renaldo Nehemiah the Greatest 110 Hurdler Ever? by Steve McGill As of this writing, I have written three chapters of the first draft of the biography I am writing on Renaldo Nehemiah. The first chapter focuses on his childhood years, with the emphasis on the death of his mother due to lung and breast...