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Letter from the Editor, December 2018

Letter from the Editor, November 2018 Hello readers, and welcome to the December 2018 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. This month’s issue is heavy on article related to topics having to do with coaching philosophy, which I felt would be relevant as we head into the beginning of the indoor competitive season. In addition, freelance writer Melinda Burris Willms has...
L-Carnitine Supplementation: Can it Improve Your Performance?

L-Carnitine Supplementation: Can it Improve Your Performance? L-carnitine is the latest supplement to become popular among athletes, fitness buffs, and even those seeking to lose weight. But does the supplement improve athletic performance or accentuate metabolic burn? Does L-carnitine live up to the hype? This article will discuss what L-carnitine is, the claims made about...
What Drills Should I Do?

What Drills Should I Do? by Steve McGill The title of this article refers to a question I hear often. Sometimes it’s from an athlete, sometimes it’s from a coach, and sometimes it’s from a parent; regardless of who it’s from, people want to know what the best drills are to improve in the hurdles....
Volume vs. Speed

Volume vs. Speed by Steve McGill One of the age-old arguments when it comes to coaching sprinters and hurdlers has to do with how much emphasis should be placed on volume vs. how much emphasis should be placed on speed. To oversimplify a bit, most old-school coaches emphasize volume, whereas younger coaches tend to place...
Practicing at Race Spacing

Practicing at Race Spacing by Steve McGill One question I am often asked in regards to how I coach my hurdlers is, "How often do you practice with the hurdles at race spacing?" The answer is, almost never. In this article, I will address the reasons why. But before I do so, let me get...
100 Meter Repeats Workout

100 Meter Repeats Workout by Steve McGill Although hurdlers tend to prefer that every day be a hurdle day, that obviously can’t be the case. And since the early part of the week is a good time to get in some volume, this month’s workout is designed to be one that is done either...
Reebok Grand Prix 2007

Reebok Invitational 2007 by Steve McGill For this month's great race, we're taking a look back to 2007, during one of the golden ages of the men's 110 meter high hurdles, when greats like Liu Xiang, Ladji Doucoure, Dominique Arnold, Dayron Robles, and Terrence Trammell were all in their prime. Sometimes, great races happen in...