100 Meter Repeats Workout

by Steve McGill

Although hurdlers tend to prefer that every day be a hurdle day, that obviously can’t be the case. And since the early part of the week is a good time to get in some volume, this month’s workout is designed to be one that is done either on Monday or Tuesday, assuming that a meet will take place on Saturday.

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Here’s the workout:

5 sets of 3×100

  • From a falling start
  • 1:30 between reps
  • 5:00 between sets
  • Can be done either in flats or in spikes

The aim is to be consistent with the times. The 5:00 rest between sets is kind of long, but that’s because we want to give the athlete a chance to fully recover and continue to hit the times each set.

The reps should be done at 80% of full speed – fast enough to be challenging to maintain for the entire workout, but not so fast that the athlete will burn out after the first or second set.

Rest should be active rest; athlete should not be sitting down, but should keep walking and stretching.

This workout can also serve as a good “replacement” speed/endurance workout for athletes who don’t respond well to 300/400m repeats. You’re still getting in the same volume as 5×300, but in a way that is more manageable for sprint hurdlers who don’t respond well to longer distances.


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