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A Fun Labor Day Weekend of Hurdling

A Fun Labor Day Weekend of Hurdling by Steve McGill Labor Day weekend also happened to be my birthday weekend, as my birthday fell on Labor Day itself this year - Monday September 2nd. That Saturday and Sunday, I did a bit of a mini hurdle camp with four hurdlers from the Coastal Track Club...
Excerpt #2 from The Spiritual Dimensions of Hurdling

Excerpt #2 from The Spiritual Dimensions of Hurdling by Steve McGill When an athlete experiences frustration during a practice session, or because of a bad race, one of the remarks I use to pick up their spirits is, “Hey, there’s a reason not everybody does this.” And the reason is simple: hurdling is hard. Hurdling...
Working Alongside Other Knowledgeable Coaches

Working Alongside Other Knowledgeable Coaches by Steve McGill One of the best ways to grow as a hurdles coach is to coach alongside other knowledgeable coaches - coaches who are knowledgeable in the sprints, the hurdles, or both. However, such opportunities are rare, as coaches generally only interact with each other at meets and conferences,...
Acclimating Your Workout and Diet for Cooler Temperatures

Acclimating Your Workout and Diet for Cooler Temperatures by Melinda Burris I’m sure you’ve noticed the telltale signs of the coming of the cooler seasons with the slight nip that can be felt in the air in the early mornings and as evening descends. Just as the seasons inevitably change, so do the fueling and hydration...
Common Hurdler Injuries: Navicular Stress Fracture

Common Hurdler Injuries: Navicular Stress Fracture by Melinda Burris This article is part of our ongoing series examining injuries frequently seen in hurdlers and an explanation of why there is such a propensity for hurdlers and track athletes to contract these injuries, the symptoms and methods of diagnosis and treatment, as well as standard recuperation...
Year One vs. Year Two

Year One vs. Year Two by Steve McGill Instead of including a workout in this month’s issue, I want to talk about coaching hurdlers in year one vs. years two and beyond. This past Sunday, I met with two of my regulars -- Raelle Brown and Janie Coble -- and both workouts went really well....