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Eighth Excerpt from The Spiritual Dimension of Hurdling

Eighth Excerpt from The Spiritual Dimension of Hurdling
Eighth Excerpt from The Spiritual Dimension of Hurdling by Steve McGill Relationships like the ones I’ve had with my hurdlers who have devoted themselves to the hurdles represent the other eternal element in hurdling (the first one being the feeling of being one with the hurdle, as discussed above). Relationships fuel a life, shape a...

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Whatever Gets You Right

Whatever Gets You Right
Whatever Gets You Right by Steve McGill So, when my Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl this past month, I was as jubilant as everybody who's known me over the years thought I would be. I was especially happy to see one of my favorite players, wide receiver AJ Brown, have a good game, including...

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Block Starts Alone & Together Workout

Block Starts Alone & Together Workout
Block Starts Alone & Together Workout by Steve McGill Throughout my coaching career I’ve tried to take advantage of opportunities to create competitive situations in practice. It’s not always possible, because it requires having at least two hurdlers of the same gender training together who are of equivalent ability levels. During my own competitive days,...

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Stay Fast, Stay Forward

Stay Fast, Stay Forward
Stay Fast, Stay Forward by Steve McGill One of the biggest advantages of being an English teacher as my full-time job over the years has been that it has made me very adept at explaining things on a level that people can understand them. As a teacher, I’m always gauging whether or not I need...

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Pick Yourself up off the Mat

Pick Yourself up off the Mat
Pick Yourself up off the Mat by Steve McGill One quality of character that is required to be a good hurdler, and a good athlete in any sport, is resilience. You’re gonna have bad workouts, you’re gonna have bad races, you’re gonna face disappointments, you’re gonna have times when you fall short of your own...

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Chronic Knee Pain in Runners/Sprinters: Runner’s Knee

Chronic Knee Pain in Runners/Sprinters: Runner’s Knee
Chronic Knee Pain in Runners/Sprinters: Runner’s Knee by Melinda Burris Did you know the knee is the biggest joint in the human body? Its composition is complex, and it is instrumental in allowing an individual to do the kind of movements many of us take for granted such as walking, running, and jumping. For us...

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