The September video in the magazine featured McGill leading you through a fence drill.
In this month’s instructional video, McGill will lead you through three drills designed to help with explosiveness in the high hurdles.
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If you didn’t catch the previous videos in the series, get caught up from last September by checking out the Lead Leg Mechanics video here:
Then check out the October video on Trail Leg Mechanics here:
Then the November instructional video on Lead Arm Mechanics:
Then, the December instructional video on Lean:
Then, the January instructional video on Technique Analysis:
Then, the instructional video for February which focuses on practice analysis:
Then, the March instructional video on Trail Arm mechanics:
Then, the April instructional video on the wall drill:
Then, check out the June instructional video on Dorsi-Flexion:
Then, check out the July video on lead arm punch:
Then, check out the August video on shoulder lean and its impact on a hurdler’s technique:
Then, check out the September video where McGill leads you through a fence drill: