Full Flight, Low Height Workout

This is a good pre-meet workout to do on the week of a big championship race. Ideally, the workout would be done about three or four days prior to competition so that the athlete has time to fully recover from it.

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  • Put up all ten hurdles at race spacing (blue lines for males, yellow lines for females).
  • Lower the hurdles by 3 inches (one click) from race height.
  • Athletes will be wearing spikes and using starting blocks.
  • A coach will give starting commands. Another coach or reliable person will be at the finish line timing.
  • Starter should hold one arm above his head while athletes are in mark and set positions, then say “Go!” and bring the arm down simultaneously. Timer should start the watch the instant the starter’s hand begins to come down.
  • It is preferable that two or more hurdlers go together to create a competitive, race-like atmosphere. If no other hurdler is available, then finding a slower sprinter is the next best option. The sprinter will run the same distance as the hurdler, but in a lane with no hurdles.
  • A full pre-race warm-up should precede the start of this workout.


  • With the hurdles being lowered, the emphasis is on aggression and speed between the hurdles, not on technique. With the championship meet only days away, this is not a time to address technical flaws; be fast.
  • This workout will help with late-race strength – maintaining form and cadence in the latter stages of the race.
  • This workout can serve as a race indicator. Target times for the reps should be .3 faster than target times for that week’s race. So if the goal is to run 16.1 in the meet, the goal for the reps should be 15.8. FAT vs. hand-timed should be factored in. If the race goal is 16.10, then the rep goals should be 15.6 because of the .24 conversion difference.

The Workout:

  • Do three reps of the following:
  • At the starter’s commands, the hurdlers clear all ten hurdles and cross the 110/100m finish line. Timer records the times.
  • 8-10 minutes rest between reps.


  • If the upcoming meet only has two rounds, or of the first two reps are outstanding, then two reps can be enough.
  • If enough manpower is available, then have someone record touchdown times so that it’s clear where in the race where the hurdlers are strongest and weakest. Touchdown times should be taken from the start to touchdown off the first hurdle, at touchdown off each hurdle, and from touchdown off hurdle ten to the finish line.


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