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Letter from the Editor, September 2017

Letter from the Editor, September 2017 Hello readers, and welcome to the September 2017 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. With the onset of the off-season, this issue largely focuses on topics related to fall training and preparation for the long haul of another long season that will extend into May at the very least, and...
Preseason: Time to Condition Body & Mind for Peak Performance

Preseason: Time to Condition Body & Mind for Peak Performance By: Melinda Burris Willms Fall conditioning is a vital period for hurdlers that entails intense physical and mental preparatory training for the intensely competitive and hectic season ahead. Success in the meets to come requires a full commitment of team members to putting in the...
Supplements: Increase Your Energy, Fight Fatigue and Enhance Your Performance

Supplements: Increase Your Energy, Fight Fatigue and Enhance Your Performance by Teige West Athletes are always on the hot seat when it comes to achieving world records and personal bests. With the rise of social media and 24/7 news, we are never far from another doping or cheating scandal, whether it's "Deflategate," Lance Armstrong, or...
From 33 to 39

From 33 to 39 by Steve McGill Hurdling is the only non-field event in the sport of track and field in which there are transitional stages of development. While throwers in the field events have to toss heavier weights as they move up the ranks, hurdlers have to clear higher hurdles as they move up...
Tearing Down to Rebuild

Tearing Down to Rebuild The more ingrained the habit, the harder it is to break. As long as wrong feels wrong, it's going to be hard to change wrong into right. Or, to put it more specifically, as long as inefficient feels efficient, it's gonna be hard to get the athlete to buy into the...
Fall Sprint Workout for Hurdlers

Fall Sprint Workout for Hurdlers This time of year, workouts must serve the purpose of building a speed-endurance foundation that will allow for more speed later in the year. Building a foundation means building and strengthening the muscles so that when it's time to unleash the speed during the competitive season, the body will be...
The Rise of Dawn Harper-Nelson

The Rise of Dawn Harper-Nelson by Steve McGill For this month's classic race, we're taking a look back at the 2008 Olympic Final in the women's 100 meter hurdles. This race was a huge race for multiple reasons, besides the obvious one that it was an Olympic final. Sometimes there are races that are so...