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If you missed last month’s issue, check it out HERE!
Letter from the Editor, September 2016

Letter from the Editor, September 2016 Welcome, readers, to our September issue of The Hurdle Magazine. I guess you could call this our Olympic Review issue, as we’ll be taking a look back at the Rio Olympics from last month, while also providing some training tips and the like as everyone looks forward to the 2017 season....
A Look Back at Rio 2016, Hurdle Style

A Look Back at Rio 2016, Hurdle Style Although I fussed a bit in another article for this issue about the spectacle that the Olympics have become in the social media age, I nevertheless love the competition, and the hurdling events in August 2016 did not disappointment when it came to providing excitement and outstanding...
Olympic Spectacle Blues

Olympic Spectacle Blues In looking back on the Olympic Games from last month, I can’t help but feel a sense of annoyance with the whole affair, despite the fact that I enjoyed many of the performances, particularly on the track. My issue with the Olympics, particularly in this social media era (although the problem existed...
Rules Don’t Apply to the Little Guys

Rules Don’t Apply to the Little Guys Much of the technical advice I give to hurdlers – both in this magazine and to the kids I coach on a daily basis – makes sense for most hurdlers but doesn’t necessarily apply to smaller hurdlers. I’ve always said that smaller hurdlers often have to break the...
Coaching the Double Hurdler

Coaching the Double Hurdler In last month’s issue I wrote an article discussing the rarity of the double hurdler, particularly at the elite level. Here I want to follow up by discussing the coach’s role in helping the double hurdler to succeed in both events. Though it’s true that double hurdlers are almost non-existent at...
100 Meter Sets Workout

100 Meter Sets Workout One of my staple off-season conditioning workouts for sprinters and hurdlers involves sets of 100 meter sprints, and with the hurdlers I’ll include hurdles in the equation. This is a good workout also if you’re short on time, as it doesn’t take long to complete. Here’s what it involves: [am4show not_have='g5;']...
Making the Team

Making the Team Since Kendra Harrison didn’t make the Olympic team despite setting an American record in the women’s 100m hurdles prior to the US Olympic Trials, a lot of people – inside and outside of our sport – have been asking whether or not the United States’ method of choosing its three athletes for...