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Letter from the Editor, October 2017

Letter from the Editor, October 2017 Hello readers, and welcome to the October 2017 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. This issue, like last month's focus on fall training ideas, as that is what is on all of our minds right about now. In this month's issue, there are two articles that are not written by...
Your Achilles Heel: Tendonitis Prevention and Management

Your Achilles Heel: Tendonitis Prevention and Management by Teige West Achilles was a god from Greek mythology known for being a fierce, courageous and loyal warrior. He was undefeated in battle after battle, until he was killed after being shot in the heel with an arrow during the Trojan War. Why do you need to...
Types of Stretching Techniques & Why Flexibility is Vital to Well-Being

Types of Stretching Techniques & Why Flexibility is Vital to Well-Being By Melinda Burris Willms This article discusses the methods, scope, and goals of three of the most popular stretching techniques: dynamic (active), static (passive) and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching. Questions regarding the need for stretching, how to choose a technique that works for...
Quick-Stepping to Hurdling Success

Quick-Stepping to Hurdling Success by Steve McGill I feel pretty confident in saying that every hurdle coach has his or her favorite drills -- their go-to drills that they rely on to improve their athletes' technique, rhythm, and overall race sensibility. For some it's the zone drill, for others it's the one-step drill, for others...
The Pros and Cons of Walk-Over Drills

The Pros and Cons of Walk-over Drills by Steve McGill Anyone who knows me well and knows my style of coaching knows that I am not a fan of walk-over drills. However, I don't totally oppose the use of them. In this article, I will explain my rationale for shunning walk-over drills whenever possible, but...
Downhill Sprint Workout

Downhill Sprint Workout Downhill sprinting is something that often gets overlooked in training programs, as most coaches will be sure to include a day of uphill sprinting during the off-season. The benefits of uphill sprinting are obvious – increased power in the sprinter muscles that leads to a better drive phase and the ability to...
Greg Foster’s First World Championship

Greg Foster's First World Championship by Steve McGill For this month's great race, we're going to go back to the inaugural World Championships in track and field, in 1983 in Helsinki. Gold medalist Greg Foster's winning time of 13.42 was not what was so impressive, as he had run faster than that plenty of times....