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Letter from the Editor, May 2017

Letter from the Editor, May 2017 Hello readers, and welcome to the May 2017 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. I hope everyone is enjoying this Mother’s Day weekend by treating mom to dinner after getting in some good hurdle work. In this month’s issues we have articles on diet, on core work, on lower back strength,...
Lower Back Pain Prevention and Management for Increased Performance

Lower Back Pain Prevention and Management for Increased Performance By Teige West Lower back pain is a common complaint of most athletes, often hindering training and competition performance. The lower back is a complicated part of the body, with many small muscles, spinal and pelvic nerve endings and other tissues; all of these bodily components...
Core Work for Stability and Performance

Core Work for Stability and Performance by Teige West It’s a no-brainer that developed, strong legs is the first key to your success as a hurdler. But you’ve worked on legs, you’ve done the drills, your calves are cut and fit, so how do you push your performance and fitness to the next level? Core...
Looking to Prevent & Relieve Inflammation? Try These Easy & Tasty Diet Tips!

Looking to Prevent & Relieve Inflammation? Try These Easy & Tasty Diet Tips! By Melinda Burris Willms As an athlete, the importance of a continued focus on a healthy diet first, foremost, and always, cannot be overstated. Proper care and attention to what you choose to fuel your body, your instrument for competition, is vital to...
Curve Hurdling Work

Curve Hurdling Work by Steve McGill I think we all can agree that being able to alternate in the 300/400m hurdles is a useful skill to have, and perhaps even an essential one in some cases. And while I have discovered that teaching hurdlers to alternate lead legs is easier than I would have thought...
Beginner Level Drills

Beginner Level Drills by Steve McGill When it comes to coaching beginning hurdlers, or coaching hurdlers with some experience but who have not been taught proper mechanics, the coach has to do a whole lot of teaching. I have found that when coaching beginners with no prior experience whatsoever, I often have to move at...
Jamming Workout for the 100/110m Hurdler

Jamming Workout for the 100/110m Hurdler by Steve McGill Yup, it’s that time of year again at the high school and college level. Time to get ready for the big races that determine how long your season will last. This time of year, the emphasis is on physical and mental preparation. Coaches are on edge...