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Letter from the Editor, March 2017

Letter from the Editor, March 2017 Hello readers, and welcome to the March 2017 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. This month’s issues features more articles from freelance writers who did some heavy-lifting research to produce informative articles that can be very beneficial to hurdlers in their training on and off the track. In addition, the...
A Race in the Rain

A Race in the Rain For today’s great race from the past, I’ve decided to take a look back at the men’s 400m hurdle final at the 2005 World Championships in Helsinki. Other than the 1987 final that I wrote about in an earlier issue, this one stands out as my favorite men’s 400 hurdle...
The Importance of Refueling and Repairing Your Body and Protein Shakes

THE IMPORTANCE OF REFUELING AND REPAIRING YOUR BODY AND PROTEIN SHAKES By Melinda Burris Willms Protein shakes have exploded in popularity in recent years. Once only used by athletes, protein shakes are increasingly being made in the kitchens of average fitness enthusiasts. For athletes, diet is a much more important consideration because they must be...
Starts over Six Hurdles Workout

Starts over Six Hurdles Workout As we enter into the outdoor season and focus on running the longer 100/110m hurdle race (as opposed to the 55/60m race of indoors), doing workouts that require clearing more hurdles at a race pace become important. Athletes need to have the confidence that they can run all ten hurdles...
How to Combat Fatigue With Diet and Nutrition

How to Combat Fatigue With Diet and Nutrition By Teige West The average hurdler burns a LOT of calories during training—somewhere between 600 and 800 calories. To be ready for competition, you have to give your body the energy it needs to perform at its peak; you want your hurdling performance to reflect the time,...
Low Hurdle Clearance

Low Hurdle Clearance Recently a parent of one of the youth hurdlers that I coach sent me a still photo of his son clearing a hurdle in a race, remarking that another coach had said that his son looked high over the hurdle. I looked at the photo, and, at first glance, I agreed that...
Core Strength and Flexibility

Core Strength and Flexibility by Peter A. Wright Lower back pain is no fun. It’s like jamming an extra book into your bag that’s constantly pressing against your spine. Eventually, it finds a nerve and consistently pushes against it. The pain can sideline you during a meet, or it can last long after you’re done...