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2×300 Workout for Long Hurdlers

2×300 Workout for Long Hurdlers
2x300 Workout for Long Hurdlers by Steve McGill This month’s workout is designed for the high school hurdler who runs the 300m hurdles, although I’ll also explain the version that is designed for the 400m hurdler. The idea for this workout is to get in some race modeling and to start to get an idea...

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Maximizing the Benefit of Indoor Competition

Maximizing the Benefit of Indoor Competition
Maximizing the Benefit of Indoor Competition by Steve McGill Anyone who knows me knows that I’m not a big fan of indoor track, although I’ve warmed up to it more in recent years compared to how I felt about it as recently as five years ago. My primary issue with the indoor season remains the...

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Incorporating Hurdling into Running Workouts

Incorporating Hurdling into Running Workouts
Incorporating Hurdling into Running Workouts by Steve McGill One question that I’ve been frequently asked over the years, and that I was recently asked by a coaching friend, is how many days per week should hurdlers hurdle. The answer varies from season to season, and there is also a gray area to answering that question...

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Head Coach? Who, Me?

Head Coach? Who, Me?
Head Coach? Who, Me? by Steve McGill I’ve never been a head coach. I’ve been coaching since 1994, and I’ve never been in charge of a program. There was one year at my old school when I was co-head coach along with the distance coach, but he took on the majority of head coaching responsibilities....

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How Time Change and Travel Negatively Impact Performance

How Time Change and Travel Negatively Impact Performance
How Time Change and Travel Negatively Impact Performance by Melinda Burris This article examines the impact of time change and travel and the negative effects it can have on the body in terms of alertness and response time due to the disruption of the body’s natural biological clocks and the circadian rhythms that send important...

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How Hurdling & Writing Go Hand in Hand

How Hurdling & Writing Go Hand in Hand
How Hurdling & Writing Go Hand in Hand by Steve McGill If you’ve been subscribed to The Hurdle Magazine for a while now, you know I like to compare hurdling to other arenas of life, whether it be other sports or other endeavors altogether. I like to make connections between hurdling and walks of life...

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