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7-Step Workout for Long Hurdlers

7-Step Workout for Long Hurdlers by Steve McGill This time of year, I don’t necessarily do a lot of race-modeling work with long hurdlers, as I prefer to develop hurdle endurance before incorporating more speed-specific training. However, I’ll sometimes include some race-modeling work just to keep the fast-twitch muscles in good working condition, and to...
Confessions of a Sugarholic

Confessions of a Sugarholic by Steve McGill My addiction started before I even knew it had started. As a young boy of four or five years old, visiting my grandmother’s house in West Philadelphia during holidays, where she baked apple pies loaded with sugar. They were soooooo good. During dinner time growing up, the main...
My Greatest Moment as a Hurdler

My Greatest Moment as a Hurdler by Steve McGill As I stood in front of my starting blocks, waiting for the starter to instruct me and the other hurdlers to take our marks, I breathed deeply, slowly, thinking of nothing, preparing to unleash my body and attack the ten 39-inch barriers that stood between me...
Possible Benefits from Chlorogenic Acid Supplementation Via Coffee

Possible Benefits from Chlorogenic Acid Supplementation Via Coffee by Melinda Burris In the last five years, there have been a number of scientific studies conducted around the world to determine if the supposed benefits of chlorogenic acid (commonly found in coffee and tea) are substantiated by scientific evidence. Green coffee bean extract has been hailed as...
Why Female Athletes Are at a Higher Risk for a Torn ACL: There are Far More Reasons Than You Think!

Why Female Athletes Are at a Higher Risk for a Torn ACL: There are Far More Reasons Than You Think! by Melinda Burris An article written by Ella Brockway this past July for The Washington Post highlighted the growing conversations that are being had about the significantly higher likelihood of ACL tears among women athletes...
A Look into the Comments of Noah Lyles
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