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It’s not All about Technique

It’s not All about Technique by Steve McGill On my YouTube channel I’ve uploaded a series of videos about teaching beginners to 3-step (and I still have one more video in that series to make; just gotta find the time). This fall, I’ve started working with two girls on my high school team who are...
It’s You

It’s You by Steve McGill Do you remember that old pop song from the 90’s, “How Bizarre”? If you don’t, that’s okay. But it popped into my head a lot in mid-August when I took on the position of head cross country coach at my school. How bizarre. How I got here is a story...
Drills & Block Starts for Advanced Hurdlers Workout

Drills & Block Starts for Advanced Hurdlers Workout by Steve McGill Elite athletes, and even advanced athletes at the high school level, need to be constantly challenged to keep their skills sharp and to instill the ability to make constant adjustments to their own speed and power. While advanced athletes don’t need to do a...
Trail Leg, Stay Dorsi

Trail Leg, Stay Dorsi by Steve McGill Teaching trail leg mechanics to beginners can be a very tricky thing. Some pick up the basics almost instantly while others struggle mightily with the idea of opening up the groin as opposed to bringing the trail leg through directly under the body. This article is for those...
Are Collagen Supplements Beneficial for Athletes?

Are Collagen Supplements Beneficial for Athletes? by Melinda Burris Like a plethora of nutritional supplements, collagen in a variety of forms has exploded on the market for years mostly as a beauty aid to help fight wrinkles and restore youthful skin and appearance and as a means of easing joint pain. Specifically, collagen peptides have...
Fall Foods You Should Incorporate into Your Diet

Fall Foods You Should Incorporate into Your Diet by Melinda Burris Believe it or not, cooler temperatures are on their way and with them comes a cornucopia of seasonal foods that are beneficial for your overall health and in many cases can help you build muscle mass or avoid inflammation caused by rigorous workouts. Below,...