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Lessons Learned, Lessons Taught

Lessons Learned, Lessons Taught by Steve McGill It’s a little hard to believe that my first season as a head coach is coming to an end, but that is indeed the case, as we only have one week left before our state meet. I know I’ve complained a lot in the past couple issues of...
Teaching a Long Hurdler to Adapt to the Sprint Hurdles

Teaching a Long Hurdler to Adapt to the Sprint Hurdles by Steve McGill Usually when I work with hurdlers who do both the sprint hurdles and the long hurdles, they either have a background in both events or, if I start with them as new hurdlers, I’ll develop them in both events. In doing so,...
Progression of a Hurdler who Started during the Season

Progression of a Hurdler who Started during the Season by Steve McGill As discussed in last month’s issue, I recently converted one of the female athletes on my school team into a hurdler, as there are very few hurdlers in our conference, and there have been meets where the winning time was in the 19’s,...
Surfing like a Hurdler

Surfing like a Hurdler by Steve McGill & Garrison Rountree “The more I’ve acclimated to surfing, the more I’ve realized that the tools I learned as a hurdler have benefited me in the water. The sports are more similar than I ever imagined.” The quote above comes from a former athlete of mine, Garrison Rountree,...
Workout: 400 Meter Time Trial

Workout: 400 Meter Time Trial by Steve McGill At my school we have one week left in our season, as our state championship meet will take place on May 20-21. So, as we’re winding things down, we are tapering in our workouts -- increasing the speed and decreasing the reps while adding more recovery time...
How to Develop Explosive Power

How to Develop Explosive Power by Melinda Burris This article focuses on explosive power and explains why it is so important in certain sports including hurdling and sprints. To put it simply, explosive strength refers to how quickly you can exert your physical strength. Training to increase your explosive power involves heavy loading resistance training...