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Developing the Intermediate Hurdler

Developing the Intermediate Hurdler by Steve McGill Not often do I find myself with the opportunity to develop a hurdler for a full season, as many athletes either participate in other sports or have other outside obligations that prevent us from meeting on a consistent basis. As a private coach, I sometimes find that athletes...
Finding the Delicate Balance

Finding the Delicate Balance by Steve McGill Coaching hurdlers is all about finding the balance between teaching technique, establishing rhythm, and preparing the athletes to race. When there is enough time to do all three, there really are no issues. But with meets beginning prior to the winter holiday season nowadays, there is not enough...
Hoopers Who Would be Good Hurdlers

Hoopers Who Would be Good Hurdlers by Steve McGill In the sports realm, professional basketball players in the NBA are widely considered to be the greatest athletes in the world. The combination of speed, strength, and agility that can be found among the top NBA players is indeed astounding. These days, I can’t help but...
200m Speed-Endurance Workout

200m Speed-Endurance Workout by Steve McGill This time of year, with spring track on the horizon and many new athletes coming out who may or may not be in the best of shape, coaches have to work in the new athletes with the athletes who are already in shape from training and competing during the...
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport by Melinda Burris If you are asking, “What is relative energy deficiency in sport?” Don’t feel bad; only in recent years has the syndrome come to be properly understood and diagnosed. Initially believed to be a condition that only affected female athletes, physicians, and other health care providers who specialize...
The Different Types of Workout Splits and What They are Effective for

The Different Types of Workout Splits and What They are Effective for by Thomas Day When people start going to the gym, they usually don't have any idea what kind of routine they are going to do. Most people buy a membership and show up, expecting that just being at the gym will make them...