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If you missed last month’s issue, check it out HERE!
Fast Four-step Workout

Fast Four-step Workout by Steve McGill This month’s workout is designed as an off-season workout for the 400m hurdler (or 300m hurdler). It serves three purposes in one: 1) it serves as a hurdle-endurance workout; 2) it serves as a way to develop and refine the ability to alternate lead legs, and 3) it can...
Working 36’s: When and Why

Working 36’s: When and Why by Steve McGill One thing I very rarely do is have a hurdler of mine clear hurdles that are higher than race height. I hardly ever have high school boys work on 42’s, and I hardly ever have any female hurdlers work over 36’s. With advanced high school boys, i...
A Look Back in Reflection

A Look Back in Reflection (or, The Dogs are in the Yard) by Steve McGill Something significant happened in my coaching career this past summer, although its significance didn’t hit me at the time. When Keni Harrison won the silver medal in the 100 meter hurdles at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, she became my...
Fixing the Lead Leg Kick

Fixing the Lead Leg Kick by Steve McGill One of the most common, and most difficult to correct, technical flaws among hurdlers is that of kicking out the lead leg and locking it at the knee. For most hurdlers, this flaw is a result of faulty sprint mechanics. Lack of dorsi-flexion, leading to too much...
Tips for Creating a Home Weight Room & Training Space

Tips for Creating a Home Weight Room & Training Space by Melinda Burris The global pandemic has brought rapid changes to every aspect of how we live our lives, and the way we exercise and train has proven to be no exception. When the shutdowns began in late February/early March of 2020, gyms were among...
Imposter Syndrome: What It Is and How It Disproportionately Affects Athletes & Minorities

Imposter Syndrome: What It Is and How It Disproportionately Affects Athletes & Minorities by Melinda Burris Dr. Kristin Keim is a Clinical and Sport Psychologist, a Member of the US Olympic Committee Sport Psychology and Mental Training Registry, and the founder of Keim Performance Consulting. Dr. Keim specializes in working with athletes in all stages...