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The Mental Side of Coming Back from Injury

The Mental Side of Coming Back from Injury by Steve McGill Getting injured is the worst. I’ve always said that getting injured is even worse than losing. When you lose, at least you can say you raced, and you can identify ways to improve and run faster. But when you don’t get to run at...
How Omar McLeod Can Serve as a Model For Smaller Hurdlers

How Omar McLeod Can Serve as a Model For Smaller Hurdlers by Steve McGill In last month’s issue of The Hurdle Magazine, I wrote an article comparing the hurdling styles of Grant Holloway and Orlando Ortega. Since I wrote that article, Jamaica’s Omar McLeod has run a couple of electrifying races, including a world-leading 13.01...
The Origins of the Nehemiah Rule

The Origins of the Nehemiah Rule by Steve McGill After a long hiatus that was mainly caused by an endless amount of work during the school year, I’m spending much time this summer working on the biography I’ve been writing on the great Renaldo “Skeets” Nehemiah. I just finished the first draft of the ninth...
A Quick Explanation about the Marching Popover Drill

A Quick Explanation about the Marching Popover Drill by Steve McGill One of the staple drills that I’ve incorporated into my coaching is the one I call “marching popovers.” In this drill, the athlete marches up to the first hurdle on the balls of the feet, then pushes off the back leg to generate the...
Competitive Starts Workout

Competitive Starts Workout by Steve McGill I’ve often uploaded videos of this workout to my YouTube channel, and have mentioned it or referred to it when discussing other workouts, but I’ve never actually explained the details of the competitive starts workout here in the magazine, so I’m doing so here since it’s fresh in my...
Introduction to the One-Step Drill

Introduction to the One-Step Drill by Hector Cotto In the article below, coach Hector Cotto provides a preliminary discussion of the one-step drill -- a drill used by many hurdle coaches and that he finds particularly effective for addressing various technical issues. The drill involves setting up a series of hurdles -- at least five,...