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Status of 2021 Tokyo Olympics

Status of 2021 Tokyo Olympics by Steve McGill When the 2020 Tokyo Olympics were postponed to 2021, we all assumed that everything would be fine by then and that the pandemic would either be a distant memory or in the process of fading into the past. But in most parts of the world, including Japan,...
12-Stepping for Edwin Moses?

12-Stepping for Edwin Moses? by Steve McGill Recently, while doing research on the biography I’m writing on Renaldo Nehemiah, I came across an article about Edwin Moses in the December 1979 issue of Track & Field News. The article begins with the words, “Edwin Moses admitted in Montreal [site of the 1976 Olympics] that he...
An Ortega/Holloway Comparison

An Ortega/Holloway Comparison by Steve McGill Two of the best 110 meter high hurdlers in the world right now are America’s Grant Holloway and Spain’s (via Cuba) Orlando Ortega. Last month, I wrote an article on Holloway acknowledging his rise to the top of the event and explaining the many things he does well and...
Golden Games Review

Golden Games Review by Steve McGill This past weekend I watched the USATF Golden Games on the usatf.tv website, as I coughed up the necessary money to subscribe to the runnerspace.com site that would allow me to watch lots of meets — not only the finals, but also the rounds. Since the pandemic began, I...
Quicken the Cadence Workout

Quicken the Cadence Workout by Steve McGill Lately I’ve been coaching a couple high school male athletes who are working to break into the sub-14 range, and who are hoping to be in the 13.5 range or faster by the end of the season. While one has been injured a lot and therefore hasn’t been...