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Letter from the Editor, February 2021

Letter from the Editor, February 2021 Hello Subscribers, and welcome to the February 2021 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. In this month's issue, there are four articles by me again, and two be freelance writer Melinda Burris. In my first article, "Healing after the Loss of a Friend," I take a look back at my...
Cameron and I

Cameron and I by Steve McGill Nine years ago today, my good friend and former athlete Cameron Akers took his own life at the age of 28. I want to take some time in this article to discuss where I am in regards to this tragic loss, and how our relationship continues to influence who...
How Young is Too Young

How Young is too Young? by Steve McGill In the United States, athletes can start competing in the hurdles in the 11-12 year old age group, which means, depending on the athlete’s birthday, he or she can begin while still only ten years old. The distance for this age group’s race is 80 meters, over...
Creating, and Solving, Rhythm Problems

Creating, and Solving, Rhythm Problems by Steve McGill A funny thing often happens to hurdlers on their way to better and enter times: they stop improving. This happens to all athletes in all sports. They plateau. And the coach needs to come up with creative ways to enable more progression. In sprinting, more strength and...
Fun Competition Workout

Fun Competition Workout by Steve McGill I’m generally not a fan of fun “games” in practice, and usually get annoyed with athletes who ask for a fun day. If the work ain’t fun, I tell them, you need to be doing something else. But competitive games can sometimes be quite beneficial when it comes to...
Neuroplasticity and Muscle Memory

Neuroplasticity and Muscle Memory by Melinda Burris Stephen Curry recently set the professional sports world abuzz with his NBA record setting free throw streak of 80 consecutive successful free throws. Also, a viral video appeared not to long ago of him making 105 consecutive corner three-pointers during a practice session. This feat has reinvigorated discussions...
Speed, Sprinting, Exercise & Vertical Jumping

Speed, Sprinting, Exercise & Vertical Jumping by Melinda Burris This article focuses on the similar skill sets necessary for sprinting and for completing a high vertical jump. The training and strength requirements for the successful execution of both activities are discussed as are the ways you can improve your maximum vertical jump. [am4show not_have='g5;'] ...Want...