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Letter from the Editor, May 2020

Letter from the Editor, May 2020 Hello Subscribers, and welcome to the May 2020 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. We've got a good collection of articles for you in this month's issue, all of it coronavirus-related in one way or another. First, I'd like to welcome back my former and athlete forever friend Keare Smith,...
The Cost of Olympic Postponement

The Cost of Olympic Postponement by Savannah Cress At this point, most of us are aware that the 2020 Olympic Games have been postponed. To many, the news is disappointing; we’ve waited four years since the last summer Olympics, we get this close, and now have to wait a whole additional year. For the average...
The Fitness Community Comes Together to Respond to COVID-19

The Fitness Community Comes Together to Respond to COVID-19 by Melinda Burris Willms In the wake of the unprecedented financial and human toil COVID-19 has wreaked upon the nation and the world, an uplifting message of support and generosity has emerged from members and leaders in the athletic community. If ever the old adage, “There...
Muscle Memory: Nature’s Assist to Efforts to Recondition Your Body

Muscle Memory: Nature’s Assist to Efforts to Recondition Your Body by Melinda Burris Willms We have all had to cope with interruptions to our personal fitness routines as we have been forced by the necessity created by mandated gym and fitness studio closings to adhere to “shelter in place” restrictions and social distancing protocols instituted...
A Simple Hurdling Memory

A Simple Hurdling Memory by Keare Smith Time spent at home has led to a period of reflection and contemplation on various topics I enjoy, including hurdling and listening to Jazz music. In this article I discuss feelings I have regarding our current reality in relation to Covid-19 and how it has led me to...
A Return to the Essence

A Return to the Essence by Steve McGill This coronavirus lockdown period has had a strange effect upon all of us. This unprecedented period in the biography of all of our lives has forced us to make swift and drastic changes to our daily routines, to our relationships with others, and to our very outlook...
Uphills & Downhills Workout

Uphills & Downhills Workout by Steve McGill In this time of stay-at-home orders, closed gyms, and locked-up tracks, maintaining any semblance of a regular training schedule is virtually impossible. And motivation can be difficult to come by as well, with spring and summer seasons being cancelled. It’s hard to stay motivated to train when there...