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Letter from the Editor, February 2020

Letter from the Editor, February 2020 Hello Subscribers, and welcome to the February 2020 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. This month’s issue features two health-related articles from freelance writer Melinda Burris Willms, one article from freelance writer Savannah Cress, and three articles from yours truly. In “E-Stim Therapy,” Willms discusses one of the more recently popularized...

E-STIM THERAPY By Melinda Burris Willms Advancements in medical science have brought new physical therapy treatments, in part in response to concerns regarding the overuse and subsequent addiction to opioid pain relievers. One such alternative therapy for muscle weakness or pain, some acute and chronic pain conditions, inflammation, and fastier healing of wounds is...

EXERCISE-INDUCED ASTHMA (OR EIB) by Melinda Burris Willms The body requires more oxygen when exercising to supply the necessary energy to complete the actions being demanded of it. Because of this, proper breathing is of paramount importance to ensure you complete your exercise to your fullest ability at optimum comfort and safety levels. The...
Tragedy of 2020

Tragedy of 2020 by Savannah Cress Earlier this month, my 15-year-old lost her phone. What followed was several days of fabulously in-depth conversation during car rides. One such conversation began with my daughter declaring that, thus far, she was not impressed with 2020. When I prompted with a “how so?”,she rattled off a list of...
From Scrub to Legend

From Scrub to Legend by Steve McGill When I ran track in college, I was a scrub. My freshman year, after winning my conference with a hand-timed 14.9 in my senior year of high school, I was the fourth-best hurdler on a team with four good hurdlers. We were a DIII school, so I had...
Speed-Endurance Workout for the Long Hurdler

Speed-Endurance Workout for the Long Hurdler by Steve McGill Hurdlers who specialize in the longer hurdling event generally don’t need to hurdle as often in their weekly training schedule. There are plenty of workouts that can prepare them for the rigors of the long hurdles that don’t involve clearing hurdles at all. My usual mode...
The Influence of The Art of Peace on The Art of Hurdling

The Influence of The Art of Peace on The Art of Hurdling by Steve McGill In one of the introductory sections of my book, The Art of Hurdling, which became available for sale on February 2nd, I discuss non-hurdling related influences on my coaching methods. In that section, I discuss three books: The Tao Te...