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Letter from the Editor, January 2020

Letter from the Editor, January 2020 Hello Subscribers, and welcome to the January 2020 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. Hope everyone is having a good start to the new year and new decade. This month’s issue features two health-related articles from freelance writer Melinda Burris Willms, one article from freelance writer Savannah Cress, and three articles from...
The Benefits of A Plant-based Diet for Athletes

The Benefits of a Plant-based Diet for Athletes by Melinda Burris Willms There are a wide range of vegetarian or vegan diets; this article discusses the recent trend toward a plant-based diet that does not include any animal products but relies on a diverse combination of nuts, soy beans and legumes and a mix...
Ergonomic Training for Hurdles & Track

Ergonomic Training for Hurdles & Track by Melinda Burris Willms This article focuses on the most common causes of injury in hurdling and track athletes, and strategies for training ergonomically so that injuries can be avoided. Because hurdling and track events are focused on individual performance, physical contact injuries are rare. Research has shown...
Sports and Arts: Maybe not so Different?

Sports and Arts: Maybe not so Different? by Savannah Cress As the parent of two girls who are involved in dance, I’ve occasionally found myself in situations over the years comparing arts and athletics. With my oldest daughter, an early-elementary school spirit week containing a “sports day” set off an all-out anxiety attack over what...
The 400m Hurdler during Indoor Season

The 400m Hurdler during Indoor Season by Steve McGill The 400 hurdler is a relatively lonely athlete this time of year, as the long hurdler’s specialty event isn’t in the program during the indoor season. As a result, the long hurdler has options regarding what to work on in regards to training, and what races...
Back & Forth Workout

Back & Forth Workout by Steve McGill This article will focus on the 400 hurdler’s version of the back and forth workout, not the 100/110m hurdler’s version. This is a workout that I’ve used often in the past and that I’ve been using quite successfully with one of my athletes this winter. It’s an excellent...
Technique and Stride Pattern Development in the 400m Hurdles

Technique and Stride Pattern Development in the 400m Hurdles by Steve McGill The following passages are from the 400m hurdle section of the book I’ve written entitled The Art of Hurdling. Since Savannah Cress wrote another article for this issue of The Hurdle Magazine comparing sports to the arts, I felt that including an excerpt...