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Letter from the Editor, December 2019

Letter from the Editor, December 2019 Hello Subscribers, and welcome to the December 2019 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. This month’s issue features two articles from freelance writer Melinda Burris Willms, one article from freelance writer Savannah Cress, and three articles written by myself. In “Achilles Tendinopathy and Anterior Ankle Impingement,” Willms discusses two lower-leg injuries...
Achilles Tendinopathy & Anterior Ankle Impingement

Achilles Tendinopathy & Anterior Ankle Impingement by Melinda Burris Willms This article focuses on two conditions that disproportionately effect hurdlers because of the repetitive motions required of them when pushing off and landing: Achilles tendinopathy--a common complaint that refers to tendon pain, and anterior ankle impingement--an injury that occurs when too...
Comparing Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field

Comparing Indoor & Outdoor Track and Field by Melinda Burris Willms A recent trend has emerged at schools across the country, in which athletes who primarily compete in other sports during the spring have begun competing in indoor track as a way of staying in condition over the winter months. This article examines the...
Should the Women’s Hurdles be Raised?

Should the Women’s Hurdles be Raised? by Savannah Cress December is upon us - the final month of 2019. The month when my children’s already-questionable abilities to differentiate between “needs” and “wants” reach an all-time low. The month during which electric bills skyrocket to support a myriad of lights that help ease the void of...
Another Perspective on 7-Stepping

Another Perspective on 7-Stepping by Steve McGill I know the debate about whether or not a hurdler should seven-step to the first hurdle has been going back and forth for years now, a recent experience with one of my athletes has led me to feel that it’s worth addressing the topic again, as my perspective...
Getting to the First Hurdle

Getting to the First Hurdle by Steve McGill In another article in this issue, I talk about seven-stepping to the first hurdle in the 100/110m hurdle races. There, I discuss what adjustments need to be made for a hurdler who is getting too close to the first hurdle when 8-stepping. Here, I want to discuss...
Quicksteps & Starts Workout

Quicksteps & Starts Workout by Steve McGill Almost all of the workouts that I have described in past issues of The Hurdle Magazine have been workouts that I had recently used, and this month’s workout is no exception. This is a tricky time of year for training, because, for me personally, I absolutely prefer to...