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Letter from the Editor, November 2019

Letter from the Editor, November 2019 Hello Subscribers, and welcome to the November 2019 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. This month’s issue features two health-related articles from freelance writer Melinda Burris Willms, one article from freelance writer Savannah Cress, and three articles written by myself. In “Lack of Sleep and Decreased Performance: Can Meditation be Part of...
Lack of Sleep and Decreased Performance: Can Meditation be Part of the Solution?

Lack of Sleep and Decreased Performance: Can Meditation be Part of the Solution? by Melinda Burris Willms According to scientific experts, American culture encourages sleep deprivation. Busy lifestyles which require Americans to go to bed later and get up earlier to pack more activities into their average day combined with an addiction to electronics that...
Turmeric Curcumin: Uses for Athletes and for Health Solutions

Turmeric Curcumin: Uses for Athletes and for Health Solutions by Melinda Burris Willms Use of turmeric curcumin has exploded in recent years, as scientific research highlighting its benefits for athletes seeking remedies for inflammation and muscle soreness have been heavily reported. This article discusses the many beneficial uses of turmeric documented by scientific evidence. How...
Guess Who’s Back

Guess Who’s Back by Savannah Cress In September 2018, Dawn Harper Nelson, faced with the astonishingly common dilemma of needing to choose between her career or parenting, announced her retirement from professional hurdling in favor of starting a family. A little over a year later, the 35-year-old athlete officially retracted that decision with the acknowledgment...
How Low Should the Hurdles Go?

How Low Should the Hurdles Go? by Steve McGill A few issues back, Melinda Burris Willms wrote an article about using mini hurdles in training, and I just wanted to follow up here by explaining the ways in which I use them in my coaching with my hurdlers. For the purposes of this particular article,...
Five-stepping Workout

Five-stepping Workout by Steve McGill Anyone who is familiar with my coaching methods knows that I tend to have my athlete do all their drilling to a three-step rhythm, and that I’ve gotten away from using one-step drills, five-step drills, and drills in which the rhythm may shift during a rep. I prefer three-stepping everything...
A Look Back at the Men’s Hurdles at the 2019 World Championships

A Look Back at the Men’s Hurdles at the 2019 World Championships by Steve McGill In last month’s issue, freelance writer Savannah Cress, wrote an article breaking down the women’s hurdling events at last month’s World Championships in Doha. So, as promised, I’m following up this month with an article on the men’s hurdling events....