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Letter from the Editor, October 2019

Letter from the Editor, October 2019 Hello Subscribers, and welcome to the October 2019 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. This month’s issue features two health-related articles from freelance writer Melinda Burris Willms, one article from freelance writer Savannah Cress, as well as my usual hurdle-specific content. In “Would-be Healthy Foods Athletes Should Avoid,” Willms discusses a list...
Would be ‘Healthy Foods’ Athletes Should Avoid

Would be ‘Healthy Foods’ Athletes Should Avoid by Melinda Burris Willms Here at Hurdles First we often discuss topics surrounding foods beneficial for increasing performance, endurance, and in fostering maintenance of optimal hydration levels. This article looks at nutrition from the opposing view—foods that are marketed as healthy alternatives but in fact, have ingredients...
Can Exposure to Electric Light be Dimming Your Athletic Performance?

Can Exposure to Electric Light be Dimming Your Athletic Performance? by Melinda Burris Willms The invention of electric light was certainly a boon for technological progress, but researchers have noted that ready access to this artificial light source on a 24/7 basis has had deep repercussions not only for humankind but also for wildlife. Circadian...
2019 World Athletics Championships – Women’s Hurdles Recap

2019 World Athletics Championships - Women’s Hurdles Recap by Savannah Cress After looking at the history of women and the hurdles these past couple months, I thought it only appropriate to follow up on their results in the long-awaited IAAF World Championships that just wrapped up at the beginning of this month. This event, held...
Moving Past the Fear of Falling

Moving Past the Fear of Falling by Steve McGill Once a hurdler falls, the fear of falling again can take a long time to go away. It’s like anything else in life. Once you’ve been rear-ended while driving, you’re always looking in your rearview mirror because you know it could happen again. Once you’ve lost...
Fall Speed Workout for 100/110m Hurdlers

Fall Speed Workout for 100/110m Hurdlers by Steve McGill Some coaches would argue that speed work should be reserved for the later part of the competitive season, and I agree with this philosophy in principle. However, I feel that speed work should be a component of the training program in all times of year, even...
This Thing Called Focus

This Thing Called Focus by Steve McGill Though talent is factor number one when it comes to hurdling success, and work ethic is factor number two, there are other factors that play a role, like the ability to perform under pressure, getting proper amounts of rest, sacrificing comfort foods in favor of foods that can...