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Letter from the Editor, August 2019

Letter from the Editor, August 2019 Hello Subscribers, and welcome to the August 2019 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. In this month’s issue we have two research-based articles from freelance writer Melinda Burris Willms, and three articles from yours truly. In addition, we have an article from a new writer, but old friend. Her name is Savannah...
Lactic Threshold Training

Lactic Threshold Training, Anaerobic Exercise & Endurance Sports by Melinda Burris Willms This article defines lactic threshold and explains the difference between slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers and details why the latter are so vital in sports that demand fast action such as sprinting. Exercises are given demonstrating how you can train to strengthen and...
Training with Mini Hurdles

Training with Mini Hurdles by Melinda Burris Willms This article discusses the numerous ways you can do sprint drills with mini or banana hurdles to improve your speed while strengthening and increasing the proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers you have to improve your high-intensity exercise endurance level. [am4show not_have='g5;'] ...Want to read the rest? Subscribe...
History: Women and the Hurdles – 80/100m

History: Women and the Hurdles - 80/100m by Savannah Cress Some of the earliest recorded hurdle races took place in the 1830’s. In these events, the athletes would run at the hurdles (which were larger, bulkier and more fixed-in-place than the hurdles used today), jump over, and land squarely on both feet before continuing on....
Dealing with the Pressure

Dealing with the Pressure by Steve McGill In track and field, the pressure to perform can be a very real thing, and the inability to deal with that pressure effectively can sabotage a race, a season, and even a career. This topic of discussion came up in a conversation/interview I recently had with my former...
The Bonds We Form

The Bonds We Form by Steve McGill After my mother died on June 3rd, just a little over two months ago, I stepped away from coaching for about a month, as I spent that time reconnecting with my siblings, and then reconnecting with myself. Even though my athletes were entering their peak competition season, I...
Race Prep Workout for 100/110 Meter Hurdlers

Race Prep Workout for 100/110 Meter Hurdlers by Steve McGill This month’s workout will be our last race-prep workout for a while, as next month we’ll begin focusing on off-season training. For 100/110 meter hurdlers, I find it is helpful to run the whole race distance in practice, while I don’t think it’s beneficial to...