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Letter from the Editor, July 2019

Letter from the Editor, July 2019 Hello subscribers, and welcome to the July 2019 Edition of The Hurdle Magazine. Be ready to dive into one of our most engaging issues yet, as we tackle a wide variety of topics. Freelance writer Melinda Burris Willms has written two articles for this issue, and I have written...
Essential Oil Aromatherapy & Sports Performance

Essential Oil Aromatherapy & Sports Performance by Melinda Burris Willms In recent years, Western medicine has demonstrated an increased willingness to explore holistic approaches to wellness, including essential oil aromatherapy. Not surprisingly, the competitive world of sports has also investigated ways essential oils may help athletes augment their performance. This article explains what aromatherapy...
I Said, Lead with the Knee!

I Said, Lead with the Knee! by Steve McGill Perhaps the most basic of all hurdle instructions, that I would think every hurdle coach would agree on, is that it’s best to lead with the knee of the lead leg when attacking each obstacle, as opposed to swinging the leg as one piece from the...
Surrendering to the Rhythm

Surrendering to the Rhythm by Steve McGill The world is a collection of rhythms. Rhythmic patterns. Rhythmic consistencies. Every living thing has a natural rhythm that functions as its identity, as its means of understanding the world. Things get out of rhythm when they become impatient, anxious – when they try to force the rhythm...
Big Race Flat Speed Workout for the 400 Hurdles

Big Race Flat Speed Workout for the 400 Hurdles by Steve McGill This time of year, anyone who is still training is getting ready for some big meets. So, while the shift will focus to off-season training next month, I’ll stick with big meet training for this month. With AAU Youth Nationals in Greensboro, NC...
Who are the Big Dogs of 2019?

Who are the Big Dogs of 2019? by Steve McGill With the World Championships not occurring until October this year, the entire outdoor season will be over before the meet even begins, which is something I don’t remember ever happening before. As a result (I assume), the USA Championships have been pushed back to the...