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Letter from the Editor, May 2019

Letter from the Editor, May 2019 Hello Subscribers, and welcome to the May 2019 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. This month’s issue features a return of freelance writer Teige West, a couple seasonally-applicable articles by freelance writer Melinda Burris Willms, as well as my usual hurdle-specific content. West’s article, “Gentle Upper Body Stretches for Relaxation and Relief,”...
Upper Body Stretch Routine for Tension and Pain Relief

Upper Body Stretch Routine for Tension and Pain Relief by Teige West Below you will find a list of stretches for the upper body to help you relax and work out the tension in your neck, shoulders and upper back. Many of these stretches are easy yoga poses and are not intended to be intense,...
The Affect Allergies & Asthma Have on Athletic Performance

The Affect Allergies & Asthma Have on Athletic Performance by Melinda Burris Willms It’s the time of year when everything is in bloom and for many people around the world that means allergy season is with us once again. While allergies and asthma are common ailments, as this article explains, both conditions present special challenges...
Do You, Coach

Do You, Coach by Steve McGill Recently, in one of my high school English classes, I was teaching the poem “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost. The poem is set in rural Massachusetts, and the speaker of the poem is talking about how he and his neighbor meet every year in early spring to mend the...
Drills and Starts Combo Workout

Drills and Starts Combo Workout by Steve McGill This time of year, when hurdlers are trying to balance technique work with race preparation, it can be hard not to lean too far in one direction or the other. With big meets coming up every weekend, technical issues can be addressed only so much, and devoting...
Holloway vs. Roberts: The Saga Continues

Holloway vs. Roberts: The Saga Continues by Steve McGill A couple months ago I did an analysis of University of Florida stand-out Grant Holloway’s collegiate record race in the 60 meter hurdles, in which he narrowly defeated Kentucky University’s Daniel Roberts. I referred to that race as an “instant classic,” and it is now becoming...