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Letter from the Editor, April 2019

Letter from the Editor, April 2019 Hello Subscribers, and welcome to the April 2019 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. With the outdoor season in full swing, we’ll be focusing on ways to keep sharpening the skills, and I’ll also be doing some reflecting on my recent trip to visit hurdling legend Renaldo Nehemiah. In this month’s issue, we...
Transgender Controversy in Sports

Transgender Controversy in Sports by Melinda Burris Willms The inclusion of transgenders into the world of sport has opened up widespread controversy on both sides of the issue regarding fairness: fairness in regards to inclusion and fairness in regards to competition. Raising questions such as, if individuals who were born as male compete as female,...
Exercises to Strengthen the Hamstrings and how to Prevent Hamstring Injuries

Exercises to Strengthen the Hamstrings and how to Prevent Hamstring Injuries by Melinda Burris Willms This article discusses the importance of strong hamstrings for optimum athletic performance and how to strengthen your hamstrings in order to prevent injuries. Strong hamstrings are essential for controlled athletic execution because the hamstrings transmit power from the hips and...
A Visit to the Home of Renaldo Nehemiah

A Visit to the Home of Renaldo Nehemiah by Steven McGill I’m the kind of person who will complain about being too busy one minute, and then will do something to make myself even busier the next minute. It’s the hurdler in me, I guess. Hurdlers learn that to feel comfortable means to run slowly....
Reverse Order Workout

Reverse Order Workout by Steven McGill Usually when I have my hurdlers do block starts in practice, I’ll gradually add hurdles as we go. We’ll start with no hurdles and go past where the first hurdle would be; then we’ll do reps over one hurdle, then two, etc., up to however many hurdles I want...
A Race in Varieggo

A Race in Varieggo by Steve McGill For this month’s great race, we’re taking it all the way back to 1986 – the year Renaldo Nehemiah returned to the 110m hurdling battles after four and a half years away from the sport – years spent playing professional football for the San Francisco 49ers of the...
Figuring it out Together

Figuring it out Together by Steven McGill Well, if you were to ask me what I like the most about private coaching (as opposed to coaching for a team), one of the things at the top of the list would be the level of communication that I can have with my athletes when working with...