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Letter from Editor, January 2019

Letter from the Editor, January 2019 Hello readers, and welcome to the January 2019 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. I have some sad news to share with you: this will be the final issue of this online publication. It's a lot of work, and I've basically reached the point where it's just too much when coupled with...

Periodization by Teige West Think back to when you first started hurdling. The first few weeks or months were probably difficult and intense—you were using muscles in a new way. You were working out more than you may have—ever—in your life; a large portion of your time was devoted to exercise and proper eating. You...
Resistance Band Training: Beneficial for Hurdlers?

Resistance Band Training: Beneficial for Hurdlers? by Melinda Burris Willms Resistance bands are inexpensive, portable and come in a wide variety of widths and lengths making them extremely versatile and easy to use to work numerous muscle groups. This adaptability, coupled with the most important fact, which is they actually work—explains why they have garnered...
A Goodbye Song

A Goodbye Song by Steve McGill The title of this article refers to the fact that this will be the last issue of The Hurdle Magazine. Yes, it is a sad day, but also an inevitable one. To put it simply, keeping up with the demands of producing a monthly magazine has gotten to be...
Get Right for Indoor Race Workout

"Get Right for Indoor Race" Workout by Steve McGill As we head into the heart of the indoor season for the many athletes in the colder states, I figured now would be a good time to include a workout that focuses specifically on preparing to compete at the indoor distances of 55 and/or 60 meters,...
Dayron for the Gold

Dayron for the Gold by Steve McGill For this month's great race, I felt an obligation to take a look at one of Dayron Robles' all-time best performances, since he was truly one of the greatest 110 meter high hurdlers to ever compete in the event. And with this being the final issue of The...