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Letter from the Editor, November 2018

Letter from the Editor, November 2018 Hello readers, and welcome to the November 2018 edition of The Hurdle Magazine! This month’s issue features focuses on the most recent hurdle camp I conducted - Team Steve Speed & Hurdle Camp IV - which took place November 10-11 at JDL Fast Track in Winston Salem, NC. We also have articles...
The Importance of Water & Electrolytes

The Importance of Water & Electrolytes By Teige West Proper hydration is essential for any athlete, which you should already know by now. More than half of your body is composed of water. Water helps structure cells, regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, moves lactic acid out of your muscles, and performs many other functions that...
A Cup of Joe Before You Go to the Track? It May be Worth Your Time!

A Cup of Joe Before You Go to the Track? It May be Worth Your Time! By Melinda Burris Willms Caffeine has been used medicinally for over five hundred years, and a zero-calorie serving of coffee has been touted for the nutritional and performance benefits it can afford. That’s black coffee that contains...
The Making of A Hurdler’s Hurdler

The Making of A Hurdler’s Hurdler by Steven McGill Two months ago, in September of 2018, I became a published author for the first time. A few days after my 52nd birthday, A Hurdler’s Hurdler: The Life of Rodney Milburn, Olympic Champion, became available for sale from McFarland Publishing Company, based out of Western North...
Graduating Start Workout

Graduating Start Workout by Steve McGill I have found that when working on the start, it helps sometimes to seque into starting blocks by first doing starts that don’t require putting the hands on the track and the feet in the pedals – especially this time of year, when changes are most likely still being...
Team Steve Speed & Hurdle Camp IV

Team Steve Speed & Hurdle Camp IV by Steve McGill On the weekend of November 10-11, my compadre Hector Cotto and I conducted our fourth Team Steve Speed & Hurdle Camp, and this was our third one at the JDL Fast Track in Winston Salem, NC. This one was our biggest camp of all so...
Team Steve Camp, the Human Side

Team Steve Camp, the Human Side by Steve McGill With everything in life, there is the practical side, the logical side, which is all about getting things done, checking items off the checklist, and staying on task. In addition, there is the human side, the emotional side, which is all about feeling a sense of...