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Letter from the Editor, August 2018

Letter from the Editor, August 2018 Hello readers, and welcome to the August 2018 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. This month’s issue features four articles from myself, one from freelance writer Teige West, and one from freelance writer Melinda Burris Willms. Since I was able to attend USATF Junior Olympic Nationals at the end of July,...
The Importance of Meditation & Relaxation

The Importance of Meditation & Relaxation by Teige West I know the word “meditation” may make your eyes roll back and give you visions of New Agey-type people sitting cross-legged on sustainably-sourced woven mats, but don’t run away yet. Meditation is, like mindfulness, a useful exercise for athletes. In fact, many, many professional and junior...
Be Aggressive

Be Aggressive by Steve McGill In basketball games, cheerleaders will often chant the “Be aggressive” cheer. They spell it out: “B-e-a-g-g-r-e-s-s-i-v-e aggressive, b-e aggressive!” Sometimes I wish track had cheerleaders to remind my hurdlers to be aggressive. I’ve always said that hurdlers are the most extreme over-thinkers in the sport of track and field, and...
My Second Greatest Moment as a Coach

My Second Greatest Moment as a Coach by Steve McGill In my life I’ve had some powerful dreams. I hardly remember most of my dreams, but the ones I do remember have stayed with me throughout my life, and I find myself constantly revisiting them, re-analyzing them, finding new avenues to explore as I grow...
Sprint to the Finish Line Workout, Part II

Sprint to the Finish Line Workout, Part II by Steve McGill This month’s workout is a variation of last month’s. In last month’s the workout was for 100/110m hurdlers to do race-distance sprints in which they cleared the first hurdle from a block start, the first two hurdles from a block start, and the first...
A Look Back at Nationals

A Look Back at Nationals by Steve McGill While the biggest story for me coming out of USATF Junior Olympic Nationals last month in Greensboro, NC was the victory earned by my athlete Falon Spearman in the 100m hurdles in the 13-14 age group (a story that I reflect upon in detail in another article...
The Kinesiology Tape Debate: Powerful Weapon or Pure Placebo Effect?

The Kinesiology Tape Debate: Powerful Weapon or Pure Placebo Effect? By: Melinda Burris Willms No doubt you've noticed athletes in all levels of competitive sport wearing brightly colored adhesive tape on the field or court or track of your favorite sport. What is this tape for and why has it become so popular? The article below discusses...