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Letter from the Editor, July 2018

Letter from the Editor, July 2018 Hello readers, and welcome to the July 2018 edition of The Hurdle Magazine! This month’s issue features five articles from myself, and one from freelance writer Melinda Burris Willms. In this issue, Willms’ continues with the second part of her two-part series, “Focus on Fascia: What the Heck is...
Focus on Fascia: What the Heck is it? And How Important is its Role in Physiology: Part II

Focus on Fascia: What the Heck is it? And How Important is its Role in Physiology: Part II by: Melinda Burris Willms Part one of this series defined the fascia as a vast network of connective tissue found throughout the body and explained the role it plays in giving the body its structure, posture,...
The Season of Falon

The Season of Falon by Steve McGill One of the most enjoyable things about coaching is connecting with new athletes and building relationships with them that have the potential to last a lifetime. As a private coach it can be even more special because of the one-on-one nature of the relationship. Last year, that new...
Coaching Technique in the Peak Competitive Season

Coaching Technique in the Peak Competitive Season by Steve McGill In another article in this issue, entitled “Season of Falon,” I discuss, among other things, the joy of being able to focus on speed in the championship season, as all the technique and rhythm work has already been done. But such is not always the...
A 400H Explosion

A 400H Explosion by Steve McGill I am one of the many track people who laments the fact that there is a “down” year every fourth year – a year in which there is no outdoor World Championship nor Olympic Games. We’re in the midst of one of those years right now, and, typically, we’re...
Sprint off the Hurdle Workout

Sprint off the Hurdle Workout by Steve McGill This time of year, when the weather is warm and stays warm, and when the emphasis is on racing in big meets against very stiff competition, I place the emphasis on speed in training my hurdlers. Right now I have four hurdlers who have qualified for Junior...
Edwin Moses’ First Defining Moment

Edwin Moses’ First Defining Moment by Steve McGill I haven’t done a “Great Race” article in a few months, so I want to get back to it with this issue. In another article in this issue, A 400H Explosion,” I discuss how young hurdlers Benjamin Rai and Abderrahman Samba have pushed the event forward with...