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Letter from the Editor, July 2017

Letter from the Editor, July 2017 Hello readers, and welcome to the July 2017 edition of The Hurdle Magazine. Got more good hurdle-related stuff for you this month. Hopefully you can incorporate it all into your training and races. In this issue freelance writer Teige West has provided us with another outstanding article on strength...
Exercises and Stretches To Reduce Hip Pain and Tightness

Exercises and Stretches To Reduce Hip Pain and Tightness By Teige West Many hurdlers have hip soreness or pain issues because those muscles and tissues are integral to your sport. The hips provide your body with flexibility to lift your leg over the hurdles, and to keep your balance while holding correct posture, especially for...
The Wow Factor

The Wow Factor By Steve McGill This month’s great race is one that carries a lot of personal significance for me, as it is the race that inspired me to want to take the hurdles seriously. I was a fifteen-year-old sophomore in high school, a benchwarmer on the basketball team, when I walked into my...
Race-Pace 200’s Workout

Race-Pace 200’s Workout By Steve McGill In the 400 hurdles this time of year, anyone still competing is preparing for meets that are of significant consequence. The days spent working on conditioning and stride pattern are over, and it’s time to “go with what you got,” transforming all that earlier work into raw speed on...
Speed Rhythm & Technique

Speed Rhythm & Technique by Steve McGill Which part of the breath is more important, the inhale or the exhale? What is most essential to survival – food, water, or shelter? Which part of a bowling ball toss is most important – the approach, the release, or the follow-through? Which is more important in conceiving...
A Look Back (at Nationals), A Look Ahead (to Worlds)

A Look Back (at Nationals), A Look Ahead (to Worlds) by Steve McGill On the national and international scenes, things are really starting to heat up, and I’m not just talking about the weather. With countries around the world having completed their national championships, and with several more Diamond League meets having been contested since...
Proper Hydration and Nutrition during Summer Youth Meets

Proper Hydration and Nutrition during Summer Youth Meets by Melinda Burris Willms Summer months mean the time for youth track meets has arrived . . . and these multiple day meets often last 3-4 days. Each day begins with check in at 9 in the morning, with meets often lasting up to 12 hours. Participants compete...