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Letter from the Editor December 2017

Letter from the Editor December 2017 Welcome readers, to the December 2017 issue of The Hurdle Magazine. Got plenty of thought-provoking articles for you this month, so put your outside-the-box thinking hats on. In “Ice Baths? Pass on the Ice and Go Natural Instead: Your Muscles Will Thank You!”, freelance writer Melinda Burris Willms debunks...
Dealing With A “Loss” When You Run A “Disappointing” Race

Dealing With A “Loss” When You Run A “Disappointing” Race by Teige West Usain Bolt was not always The Fastest Man in the World; consider his performance at the Athens Olympics in 2004. Yes, he was only 17 and he was suffering from an injury, but he finished 5th in the 200m heats. During the...
Ice Baths? Pass on the Ice & Go Natural Instead: Your Muscles Will Thank You!

Ice Baths? Pass on the Ice & Go Natural Instead: Your Muscles Will Thank You! by Melinda Burris Willms Ice baths were originally used as a method for relieving inflammation because of the mistaken belief that bringing the body temperature of muscle groups down to a very low point would in turn lower blood pressure, and...
Visions of the Future

Visions of the Future by Steve McGill As someone who is always looking beyond the known and into the unknown, I have two hurdling-related ideas I want to share with you. I believe that the first idea can lead to times in the 12.6 or even 12.5 range in the men's 110 race, and I think...
Coming off the Curve Workout

Coming off the Curve Workout by Steve McGill For 300/400m hurdlers, the trickiest part of the race often is the last hurdle on the curve - hurdle five for 300m hurdlers and hurdle 8 for 400m hurdlers. The difficulty lies in the fact that fatigue has become a factor by this point in the race,...
Body Positioning into and off the Hurdle

Body Positioning into and off the Hurdle by Steve McGill Before the days of YouTube and long before the modern days of recording every rep of every training session on a smart phone, coaches and athletes alike relied heavily on still photos to gain insight on technical strengths and weaknesses in the hurdles. Nowadays, as...
A Successful Hurdle Camp

A Successful Hurdle Camp by Steve McGill Last month, on November 11-12, 2017, the inaugural Team Steve Speed & Hurdle Camp took place at the renowned JDL Fast Track indoor facility in Winston Salem, NC. A total of 47 campers attended, almost all of whom were 10-17 years old, but we also had one master's...