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Letter from the Editor, August 2016

Letter from the Editor This month’s issue of The Hurdle Magazine comes out right in the midst of the Olympic Games. Already, there have been some insanely good performances, and the hurdling events are on deck. So hopefully, all of you are getting your fix of track and field the same as I am. This...
Fall Training Ideas

Fall Training Ideas With track increasingly becoming more and more of a year-round sport, the idea of there being an “off season” is becoming obsolete. It has gotten to the point where this is almost equally true for the high school athlete as it is for the collegian and professional. With scholarship money at stake,...
Leg Strength Workout

Leg Strength Workout As discussed in another article in this issue, it’s important to provide athletes with variety in their off-season workouts. With that thought in mind, this month’s workout is designed to serve as a “day off” from sprinting and from running over hurdles, yet it still serves as a good strengthening workout for...
A New World Record

A New World Record One July 22nd, in the second of two races at a Diamond League meet in England, less than two weeks after a heartbreaking disappointment at the US Olympic Trials, Kendra Harrison broke the world record in the women’s 100 meter hurdles. Her 12.20 in the final eclipsed the mark of Yordanka...
The Coach: One Person, Many Persons

The Coach: One Person, Many Persons At the school where I teach, the new Head of School gave a short speech to the faculty on the first day of faculty meetings. In it, he talked about the difference between a career and a vocation. A career, he said, is something you go out and find,...
Hurdle Doubling

Hurdle Doubling In a Facebook hurdle group that I belong to, someone recently asked if any of us knew of any hurdlers who were successful at doubling in the 100/110m hurdles and the 400m hurdles at the collegiate or professional level. I commented that Andre Phillips had been a great double hurdler back in the...
A Genuine Path

A Genuine Path In an article I wrote for The Hurdle Magazine a few issues ago, I talked about martial artist and movie actor Bruce Lee and his “be like water” approach to the martial arts. Throughout my hurdling life, I have always been fascinated by people like Lee, who can take basic universal principles...