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Renaldo Nehemiah Book Update

Renaldo Nehemiah Book Update
Renaldo Nehemiah Book Update by Steve McGill It’s been a while since I gave an update on the book I’m writing on Renaldo Nehemiah, but I’ve been making progress. In the last update several months ago, I had just finished writing the first draft of the chapter about his legal battle with the IAAF to...

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Popovers and Block Starts Workout

Popovers and Block Starts Workout
Popovers and Block Starts Workout by Steve McGill With the outdoor season upon us, we want to prepare more specifically for the 110/100 meter hurdle race so that our hurdlers are prepared for the longer distance after running the 55/60 meter hurdle race throughout the indoor season. But we don’t want to rush into it;...

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Tips for Staying Cool Under Pressure

Tips for Staying Cool Under Pressure
Tips for Staying Cool Under Pressure by Melinda Burris All athletes struggle at one point or another with anxiety before a big game or competition. The reasons for this can vary from knowing you are in a tournament or level of play where you are one loss from elimination to a competition that brings heavy...

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Do Nike Super Spikes Live Up to the Hype?

Do Nike Super Spikes Live Up to the Hype?
Do Nike Super Spikes Live Up to the Hype? (And What Are the Possible Consequences of Overuse?) by Melinda Burris In August of last year, I wrote an article covering the controversial use of Nike’s 2019 innovation of so-called ‘super spikes’—otherwise known as the Nike Vaporfly—a shoe that offers distinct features including inner foam padding...

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Teaching a Beginner to 3-step

Teaching a Beginner to 3-step
Teaching a Beginner to 3-step by Steve McGill Of all the questions I receive on a regular basis, probably the one at the top is how to get a beginner to 3-step. Sounds like a simple question, but the answer is really complex because there are so many factors to consider. Height, speed, explosive power,...

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Head Coaching Blues

Head Coaching Blues
Head Coaching Blues by Steve McGill In last month’s issue of The Hurdle Magazine, I wrote an article about my decision to accept the head coaching position for the track team at my school. This month I want to follow up by explaining how things have been going so far. Long story short, it’s been...

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